Author: T. V. Raman This archive contains the sources for a shared library that implements a ByteServing plugin for the Netscape WWW server NetSite. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of files: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Makefile --to make the library on SunOS README.txt --This file byteserver.c --The byteserver implementation offslist.c --Helper module offslist.h --Header for helper module -----ServerConfiguration Files ----- magnus.conf --Modified server configuration file that loads obj.conf --Modified server configuration file that instructs NetSite to byte-serve PDF files ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Compile the library for your platform. You can tailor the Makefile by examining the examples/Makefile found in your NetSite installation. You should unpack and compile the sources in a sub-directory of directory nsapi under your NetSite server installation. 2)Updating server configuration: You can find your server configuration files under the /conf" (or /config) sub-directory of your NetSite installation. A) The sample magnus.conf file provided with this package loads the shared library by making the following incantation: Init fn=load-modules shlib="/" funcs="DoByteRangeProtocol" Add a similar line to the magnus.conf of your NetSite server, where is replaced by the pathname of the directory where you place B) Update obj.conf in the server configuration directory to have files of type Application/pdf byte-served: The sample obj.conf that is provided with this package has been modified to do this by adding the line: #List byteserving service for pdf up front Service method=(GET|HEAD) type="application/pdf" fn=DoByteRangeProtocol Note: As indicated in the comment above, it's important to make sure that you list the byte-serving service early in the obj.conf to ensure that it takes effect --this is especially important if you've already heavily customized your site's obj.conf. 3) Restart your server and you should be ready to byte-serve PDF files upon request.